Summer could not be Summer without some tasty corn on the cob! Ohhhhh the buttery goodness! I have a simple recipe that I absolutely love. It can be done on the grill or in the oven. The corn is so tender and yummy that you will want to share it with all your friends and family.
You are going to need just a few ingredients:
First: CORN! You really want to find sweet yellow corn. You are going to need to find it with the shucks on, those are going to come in handy at the end. The husk are the secret, no more dry corn on the cob!
The rest is easy: Butter, Salt, Pepper, and my little secret: Butt Rub (that's right Butt Rub!)
The hardest part of this recipe is shucking the corn. It will take a minute. If you have never shucked corn, all you are doing is striping off the green husk (leafy part) and washing off the silks (the tiny hairlike fibers on the cob). You cut off the top and the bottom of the cob. Then all you do is peel it like a banana. Put your husk to the side. Silks, well they are kinda from the devil. They can be hard to get off. Run water over the cob and pull away as many as you can. Some people get a new toothbrush and run it up and down the cob. Personally I ain't taking that much time, a few silks never hurt anybody. Rinse your cobs and your husk. It 's time to get busy!
You need to prepare a cookie sheet for your corn. Take some tinfoil and cover the bottom of your sheet. Don't wrap it to the sheet, just lay it over it, you are going to wrap the corn when you are finished.
Your hands are gonna get a little yucky but for fabulous, buttery corn you just gotta make the sacrifice. Get a good bit of butter in one hand and your cob in the other. Rub the cob until it is smothered in butter. Then sprinkle your salt, pepper, and the Butt Rub all over the cob. Now take a few of the husk and wrap the cob back up. Place your cob on the tinfoil covered cookie sheet. Continue this until all your corn is smothered and wrapped. Wrap the husk around the entire cob!
Last thing to do is wrap the foil tightly around your cobs. You want it to hold in as much steam as you can. Either throw it on the grill on low heat or stick it in a 350 degree oven. Cooking time will differ from the grill and oven. About an hour on the grill or about 45 minutes in the oven. After you check it, if it is not tender enough for your likings just close it back up and cook it a little longer.
Summer Yum! Summer Yum!
Have you got an amazing corn on the cob recipe? Share it with us! How did you like this one? We would love to hear your cooking stories!
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